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Measuring Impact

Benchmark Index provides real time impact assessment for supply chain, sector, cluster or geographical SME support programmes.

Our powerful Benchmark Index tools benefit each and every business that uses them. Collectively however, an invaluable resulting asset is the rich dataset generated which  provides real time impact assessment for supply chain, sector, cluster or geographical SME support programmes. Below are just some of the ways that the data can be used.


To measure impact, you first have to baseline current performance. Benchmark Index allows a snapshot of performance to be taken, before any support is given.

Delivering impact

The benchmark or diagnostic allows an adviser to work with a business to determine those strategies and projects that will have the most significant impact on performance.

Measuring impact

Benchmarking is not a one-off exercise. When the process is repeated, it not only shows impact and distance moved, but also determines what’s working and what isn’t, providing a foundation to evolve future plans and strategies.

Control data

Within the database, we can compare the performance of businesses that have received assistance through a support programme with a peer group of external enterprises, allowing the impact of a programme or initiative to be objectively measured.

Real-time data

At any point, the database can be analysed to look at the performance of supported businesses (in aggregate) and comparisons made between intervention types (grants versus consulting support versus skills development for example) to improve programme management and decision making.